Jesus Calling: 365 Devotions For Kids

Books Children/Youth Ages 8-12 Jesus Calling: 365 Devotions For Kids
Book cover image of Jesus Calling 365 Devotions For Kids Deluxe Edition by Sarah Young.
Jesus Calling devotions for kids 3d image
Child reading Jesus Calling 365 devotions for Kids

Jesus Calling: 365 Devotions For Kids

Hardcover Edition

by Sarah Young

Devotions written as if Jesus is speaking directly to a child's heart.

Help the child in your life develop an intimate relationship with the Lord through daily time with Him and His Word.

Each daily devotion is based on Scripture and is written as though Jesus is speaking directly to your child!

Adapted from the original Jesus Calling devotional, with the same themes and Scriptures as the adult version, this beautiful daily devotional is a great choice for families.

Suggested age range 8-12.

Jesus Calling: 365 Devotions For Kids

Hardcover Edition

Available In: Hardcover

ISBN: 9781400316342

Number of Pages: 392

Copyright: 2010

Language: English


The sweetness of the 1st person narrative captures your heart. Our kids enjoy reading aloud after dinner, as a family. The simple promises delivered in uncomplicated text are timeless. Always stimulates conversations about the King.


Provides a calming feeling of protection and let's children know Jesus is with them.
