Being A Good Steward

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Being A Good Steward by Raymond H. Harris

“How I rejoice that Your kingdom is not about earning and deserving! It’s about believing and receiving. Instead of balking at accepting Your gracious gifts,

Faithfulness Over Fame

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Faithfulness Over Fame by Brittany Maher and Cassandra Speer

“Your unfailing Love is better than life itself! I’m grateful that there’s no limit to Your Love— in quality, quantity, or duration. How priceless is

The Future Us

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The Future Us- by Chris and Jeni Graebe

“My future stretches out before me, all the way into eternity, and You are the Companion who will never leave me— the Guide who knows

Embracing Courage

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“I can find courage through remembering who You are— pondering Your awesome Power and Glory, delighting in Your unfailing Love. I rejoice in knowing I’m

Last Picked Has Its Perks

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“When I prize You above all else, delighting in You as my First Love, I’m protected from feeling fragmented. You are the One who completes

Weaving a Web of Faith

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“Through reading Your Word, I’ve seen that waiting, trusting, and hoping are intricately connected— like golden strands woven together to form a strong chain. I

The Art of Unplugging

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“Whenever I’m feeling inadequate or overwhelmed, I love being able to lean on You, Lord. You remind me that I am more than adequate when