Faithfulness Over Fame
“Your unfailing Love is better than life itself! I’m grateful that there’s no limit to Your Love— in quality, quantity, or duration. How priceless is …
The Future Us
“My future stretches out before me, all the way into eternity, and You are the Companion who will never leave me— the Guide who knows …
The Light We Need In Dark Times
“Please help me stay in communication with You through my spoken words, thoughts, and songs. When I spend ample time absorbing Your Word—letting it soak …
Seeing Yourself as God Sees You
“Though My blood has fully redeemed you, your mind is the last bastion of rebellion. Open yourself to My radiant Presence, letting My Light permeate …
Overwhelm or Abundance?
“I come to You weak and weary—on the verge of feeling overwhelmed. It’s comforting to know that You are perfectly aware of the depth and …
Don’t Waste Your Season
“The nature of time can make it difficult for me to fully enjoy my life. On those days when everything is going well, my awareness …
Grace Upon Grace
“You’ve shown me that even my mistakes and sins can be recycled into something good—through Your transforming grace.” – Jesus Listens,April 12th Some experiences …
Three Hidden Lies of Comparison Teens Face
“Instead of comparing my circumstances with those of others, I need to turn to You and listen as You instruct me, ‘You follow Me!’” – …
Embracing Courage
“I can find courage through remembering who You are— pondering Your awesome Power and Glory, delighting in Your unfailing Love. I rejoice in knowing I’m …
Last Picked Has Its Perks
“When I prize You above all else, delighting in You as my First Love, I’m protected from feeling fragmented. You are the One who completes …
When You Serve Them, You Serve God
“Because of Your amazing sacrifice for me, I want to serve You with every fiber of my being. I know that my service is woefully …
Weaving a Web of Faith
“Through reading Your Word, I’ve seen that waiting, trusting, and hoping are intricately connected— like golden strands woven together to form a strong chain. I …