Rescued and Renewed
Allow the Light of My healing Presence to shine into the deepest recesses of your being—cleansing, healing, refreshing, and renewing you. Jesus Calling, March …
The Healing Power of God’s Presence
The best response to the glorious gift of grace is a thankful heart that delights in doing My will. It is vital to proclaim the …
Finding True Satisfaction
I am the culmination of all your hopes and desires. . . . I have lifted you out of darkness into My marvelous light. –…
God’s Invitation to Peace and Joy
Adapted and edited for the Jesus Calling Blog. You can find Pastor Nicewonger’s original post, The Road to Peace, here. As you grow closer …
Tending My Piece of the Garden
Sometime decades ago—so long ago that I don’t remember when—I knew my purpose in life was to tend to my little piece of the Garden. …
5 Tips to Help Teens Navigate Their Busy World
When you walk around the house, it’s probably not hard to see you have teenagers living there. Backpacks in random corners. Coffee tables piled with …
Finding Peace in the Storm
I’ll never forget the day our family buried my mom. I remember wishing that the overcast sky would better reflect my emotions if it were …
Finding Spiritual and Financial Stability in a Crisis
In December 2001, my parents went to a holiday party with friends. During the party, my father …
How to Find Peace in Mom-Fail Moments
By Becca Stevens Babies and toddlers are precious, but those years are so hard. If I hadn’t …
Grace, Not Perfection: What Matters Most In Life
Emily Ley is the author of Grace Not Perfection (October 4th, HarperCollins Christian Publishing) and creator of the Simplified Planner®, a tool that helps …
Treasures in Darkness
“There are hidden treasures strategically placed along the way. Some of the treasures are trials, designed to shake you free from earth-shackles. Others are blessings …