Faithfulness Over Fame
“Your unfailing Love is better than life itself! I’m grateful that there’s no limit to Your Love— in quality, quantity, or duration. How priceless is …
The Future Us
“My future stretches out before me, all the way into eternity, and You are the Companion who will never leave me— the Guide who knows …
Don’t Waste Your Season
“The nature of time can make it difficult for me to fully enjoy my life. On those days when everything is going well, my awareness …
Three Hidden Lies of Comparison Teens Face
“Instead of comparing my circumstances with those of others, I need to turn to You and listen as You instruct me, ‘You follow Me!’” – …
Embracing Courage
“I can find courage through remembering who You are— pondering Your awesome Power and Glory, delighting in Your unfailing Love. I rejoice in knowing I’m …
Last Picked Has Its Perks
“When I prize You above all else, delighting in You as my First Love, I’m protected from feeling fragmented. You are the One who completes …
When You Serve Them, You Serve God
“Because of Your amazing sacrifice for me, I want to serve You with every fiber of my being. I know that my service is woefully …
Weaving a Web of Faith
“Through reading Your Word, I’ve seen that waiting, trusting, and hoping are intricately connected— like golden strands woven together to form a strong chain. I …
The Art of Unplugging
“Whenever I’m feeling inadequate or overwhelmed, I love being able to lean on You, Lord. You remind me that I am more than adequate when …
Happiness Vs. Joy
“The Joy I have in You is independent of my circumstances. I am never separated from You, and in Your Presence there is fullness of …
The Tomorrow Trap
“Teach me how to live more fully in the present— refusing to worry about tomorrow. I really do want to live present tense in Your …
Surrendering Our Desires
by Jamie Ivey “The truth is, You are the Center— and everything revolves around You. So I need to make my plans tentatively, seeking Your …